Sentry Wallet Functionality

In the Xai ecosystem, a Sentry Wallet plays a crucial role in the interaction between the Sentry Nodes and the Referee Smart Contract. The Sentry Wallet acts as an intermediary agent responsible for submitting assertions to the Referee on behalf of the associated Sentry. This is facilitated through specific functions in the Referee contract that can only be called by the owner of a Sentry License Key or addresses they have approved on this contract.

The Sentry Wallet can submit an assertion to a challenge by calling the `submitAssertionToChallenge` function in the Referee contract. This function checks if the challenge is open for submissions and if the Node License hasn't already been submitted for this challenge. If these conditions are met, the sentry's assertion is submitted to the challenge.

The Sentry Wallet can also claim a reward for a successful assertion by calling the `claimReward` function in the Referee contract. This function checks if the challenge is closed for submissions and if the owner of the Sentry License has passed a “Know Your Customer” check.. If these conditions are met and the assertion is valid for a payout, a reward is sent to the Sentry owner.

In summary, the Sentry Wallet serves as a messenger facilitating the interaction between the node and the Referee, thereby ensuring the smooth operation of the Xai network.

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