Step 4: Mint Xai Quest Token

If you hold testnet ETH on Xai Testnet, you can use it to pay for gas when minting Xai Quest Token here:

Follow these steps to complete the mint:

  1. Click "Connect Wallet".

  1. Choose your wallet. Be sure to use the same wallet you used to sign up for the Galxe quest.

  1. Click "Switch Network" to select Xai Testnet as the network in your connected wallet.

  • If you have not added Xai Testnet as a custom network in your wallet, follow these steps.

  1. Specify an amount of Xai Quest Token to mint (minimum 5 recommended to be able to complete the next quest successfully). Then click Mint (Free).

If you do not hold testnet ETH on Xai Testnet, first follow these steps.

  1. Confirm the transaction in your connected wallet. After confirming the transaction in your wallet, you will see the message "Successfully minted."

If you are still having trouble minting Xai Quest Token after following all these steps, you can submit a ticket on Discord for further support:

Last updated