Step 6: Monitor your Node via Screen

Show all Screen sessions

To see all Screen sessions, type screen -ls . You should see a message that looks as follows:

There is a screen on:
	82824.xai	(12/09/2023 11:04:52 AM)	(Detached)
1 Socket in /run/screen/@root.

Kill/Delete a Screen session

If you have multiple Screen sessions, you can kill the one you don’t need as follows:

screen -XS <screen_id> quit

Replace the following values: -<screen_id> - the id of your current Screen session -Example: screen -xs 82824 quit

Reattach to your Screen session

Anytime you want to see the logs from your node, you can reattach to that session as follows:


screen -r <screen_id>

where <screen_id> is the numbers of your Screen session.


screen -r 82824

Note, currently you can’t see the rewards using the CLI. You need to install a desktop app for it. For more details refer to this video.

Detach from your Screen session

You can detach from your current Screen session by pressing:

  • ctrl a + d (Windows)

  • control a + d (macOS)


screen -d <screen_id>

where <screen_id> is the numbers of your Screen session.


screen -d 82824

Make sure to Detach before exiting the server. Detached mode allows you to exit your Screen session without closing or interrupting any processes that are happening within that session. That means that everything will keep running in the background even if you log out from your VPS.

You can now safely log out from your server:
