Bridge to Xai Mainnet
Bridge XAI to Xai Mainnet
You'll need sufficient ETH in your wallet to cover the transactions costs of bridging funds
Confirm you see XAI in the currency dropdown.
Enter an amount to bridge.
Click "Move funds to Xai"
Wait at least 10 minutes for the bridging process to complete.
Bridge ETH to Xai Mainnet
Click XAI in the currency dropdown.
Type in WETH.
These are the two WETH contracts depending on the chain:
WETH on Xai: 0xbee82cfdaff4a6aa4e4793cb81eb1c2e79ac463c
WETH on Arb: 0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1
Enter an amount to bridge.
Click "Move funds to Xai"
Wait at least 10 minutes for the bridging process to complete.
Wrap ETH to get WETH on Arbitrum
Connect your wallet on the top right
Select To currency as WETH
Click Wrap