Staking Rewards & Tiers
For the reward values related to staking, the blockchain is the source of truth. Values stored on smart contracts will be what the protocol uses to determine any rewards. This document and any others on our website are provided for informational purposes only.
The following informational table denotes the amount of staked esXAI per pool required to lift the Sentry Keys within that pool by a given Reward Multiplier (Reward Tier Threshold). It also denotes the associated adjustment to the baseline 0.01% probability for staked Sentry Keys to participate in a Challenge (Reward Multiplier):
Reward Tier Threshold
Reward Multiplier
The XAI ecosystem objective is to full decentralize the staking configurations. Staking numbers will update at each XAI emission halving event. These updates will occur in a formulaic way that is automated by the smart contracts with the release of this coinciding with the first halving event update. This will create transparency around how and when staking numbers will change with respect to max pool size, tier thresholds, rewards multipliers and esXAI staking capacity per key.
It is recommended that users view the blockchain for accurate and up-to-date data on Staking Rewards and Tiers. Here is a guide to do so using the block explorer.
Reward Tier Threshold - is defined as the minimum amount of esXAI staked to achieve that reward tier.
Reward Probability - is used to define the probability a Sentry Key in that reward tier has of receiving a network reward from a challenge each hour.
How do you find the reward tier for Bronze?
Every key is default Bronze which gives each key a 0.01% probability of participating in a challenge and does not require any esXAI to be staked.
How do you find the reward tier threshold to know how much esXAI needs to be staked in a pool for Silver?
Select the option “stakeAmountTierThresholds”
Enter [0] into the field
Click query
The value displayed is esXAI with 18 decimal places, so you will need to remove 18 zero’s to know how many esXAI are needed to achieve silver.
How do you find the reward probability given to keys in a pool that is in the Silver tier?
Select the option “stakeAmountBoostFactors”
Enter [0] into the field
Click query
The value displayed as a percentage with 2 base points. So 150 would be 1.50%.
How do you find the reward tier threshold to know how much esXAI needs to be staked in a pool for Gold?
Select the option “stakeAmountTierThresholds”
Enter [1] into the field
Click query
The value displayed is esXAI with 18 decimal places, so you will need to remove 18 zero’s to know how many esXAI are needed to achieve Gold.
How do you find the reward probability given to keys in a pool that is in the Gold tier?
Select the option “stakeAmountBoostFactors”
Enter [1] into the field
Click query
The value displayed as a percentage with 2 base points. So 150 would be 1.50%.
How do you find the reward tier threshold to know how much esXAI needs to be staked in a pool for Platinum?
Select the option “stakeAmountTierThresholds”
Enter [2] into the field
Click query
The value displayed is esXAI with 18 decimal places, so you will need to remove 18 zero’s to know how many esXAI are needed to achieve Platinum.
How do you find the reward probability given to keys in a pool that is in the Platinum tier?
Select the option “stakeAmountBoostFactors”
Enter [2] into the field
Click query
The value displayed as a percentage with 2 base points. So 150 would be 1.50%.
How do you find the reward tier threshold to know how much esXAI needs to be staked in a pool for Diamond?
Select the option “stakeAmountTierThresholds”
Enter [3] into the field
Click query
The value displayed is esXAI with 18 decimal places, so you will need to remove 18 zero’s to know how many esXAI are needed to achieve Diamond.
How do you find the reward probability given to keys in a pool that is in the Diamond tier?
Select the option “stakeAmountBoostFactors”
Enter [3] into the field
Click query
The value displayed as a percentage with 2 base points. So 150 would be 1.50%.
How do you find the maximum amount of keys that can be staked in a pool?
Select the option “maxKeysPerPool”
This will display the maximum number of keys that can be staked in a single pool
How do you the amount of esXAI staking capacity a staked key adds to a staking pool?
Select the option “maxStakeAmountPerLicense”
The value will be displayed as a decimal with 18 zeros. To get the value of esXAI, remove 18 zeros.