Xai Connect


To use the Xai Connect Ecosystem Wallet, you will need to:

  • Create a thirdweb account (link)

    • Navigate to the Settings page and create an API key to get your Client ID

  • Get your ecosystem partner ID from Xai

You can integrate to the Xai Connect Ecosystem Wallet in two different ways:

Login with Xai Connect only

You can install the thirdweb SDK and use thirdweb’s ConnectButton alongside the Partner ID Xai created for you to display only the Xai branded sign in flow.

import { ecosystemWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";

const restrictedWallet = ecosystemWallet("ecosystem.xai-connect", {
	partnerId: "..." // partner ID provided to you by XAI

In the React SDK, you may provide the wallet as the only option to restrict user logins to the ecosystem.

	client={THIRDWEB_CLIENT} /* your own thirdweb API key */

Adding Xai Connect with Other Login Options

You can add Xai Connect as a wallet connector option amongst other wallet options in your existing sign in flow on any domains whitelisted under the ecosystem.

In this example, a partner game might be using thirdweb’s in-app wallet and wants to include Xai Connect as another login option for users.

	client={THIRDWEB_CLIENT} /* your own thirdweb API key */
	wallets={[inAppWallet(), createWallet("io.metamask"), createWallet("ecosystem.xai.connect")]}