
Camelot is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that enables users to trade tokens, provide liquidity, and participate in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. This section provides step-by-step guides on how to buy tokens on Camelot and how to set up a liquidity pool.

Overview of Camelot

Camelot is designed to offer a seamless and secure trading experience for users. It provides a range of DeFi functionalities, including token swaps, liquidity provision, and yield farming. By integrating with Camelot, developers on Xai can leverage these capabilities to enhance their projects and offer more value to their users.

How to Buy Tokens on Camelot

Follow these steps to buy tokens on Camelot:

  1. Connect Your Wallet:

    • Click on the "Connect Wallet" button in the top-right corner.

    • Select your preferred wallet (e.g., MetaMask, WalletConnect) and follow the prompts to connect.

  2. Select the Trading Pair:

    • On the Camelot homepage, navigate to the "Swap" section.

    • Select the token you want to trade from the dropdown menu in the "From" field.

    • Select the token you want to buy from the dropdown menu in the "To" field.

  3. Enter the Trade Amount:

    • Enter the amount of the token you want to trade in the "From" field.

    • The corresponding amount of the token you want to buy will automatically be displayed in the "To" field.

  4. Review and Confirm the Trade:

    • Review the details of your trade, including the exchange rate and any fees.

    • Click the "Swap" button to initiate the trade.

    • Confirm the transaction in your connected wallet.

  5. Transaction Confirmation:

    • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

    • Once confirmed, the purchased tokens will appear in your wallet.

Setting Up a Liquidity Pool on Camelot

Providing liquidity on Camelot allows you to earn rewards from trading fees. Here’s how to set up a liquidity pool:

  1. Connect Your Wallet:

    • Click on the "Connect Wallet" button in the top-right corner.

    • Select your preferred wallet and connect it to Camelot.

  2. Navigate to the Liquidity Section:

    • Click on the "Liquidity" tab in the main menu.

  3. Add Liquidity:

    • Click on the "Add Liquidity" button.

    • Select the token pair you want to provide liquidity for.

    • Enter the amount of each token you want to add to the pool.

    • Ensure that you have an equal value of both tokens.

  4. Approve Tokens:

    • Click the "Approve" button for each token to allow Camelot to access your tokens.

    • Confirm the approval transactions in your connected wallet.

  5. Supply Liquidity:

    • After approving the tokens, click the "Supply" button.

    • Review the details of the liquidity provision, including the pool share and potential earnings.

    • Confirm the supply transaction in your connected wallet.

  6. Receive LP Tokens:

    • After the transaction is confirmed, you will receive Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens representing your share in the liquidity pool.

    • These LP tokens can be staked to earn additional rewards or withdrawn to retrieve your initial tokens along with any earned fees.

Additional Resources

  • Documentation: Camelot Docs

  • Support: Access support through Camelot’s documentation and community channels for assistance with trading and liquidity provision.

Integrating Camelot into your project on Xai provides robust DeFi functionalities, including token trading and liquidity provision. By following the step-by-step guides provided, developers can easily leverage Camelot's features to enhance their applications and offer more value to their users.

Last updated