

Relay is an advanced bridging solution designed to facilitate instant, seamless cross-chain transactions. By integrating Relay, game developers can provide users with the ability to transfer assets quickly and efficiently between different blockchains, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Relay’s instant bridging capabilities ensure minimal delays and friction, allowing for a more fluid and dynamic interaction with blockchain assets.

Key Features:

  1. Instant Cross-Chain Transactions:

    • Speed: Relay offers near-instantaneous bridging of assets between supported blockchains, reducing the waiting time typically associated with cross-chain transfers.

    • Efficiency: The bridging process is optimized for low latency and high throughput, ensuring a smooth user experience.

  2. Broad Chain Support:

    • Multi-Chain Compatibility: Relay supports a wide range of blockchains, making it a versatile solution for game developers looking to interact with multiple ecosystems.

    • Scalability: Designed to handle high transaction volumes, Relay can scale with the growing needs of your game and user base.

  3. Security and Reliability:

    • Robust Security Protocols: Employs advanced security measures to protect cross-chain transactions and user assets.

    • Reliability: Built on a stable and resilient infrastructure, Relay ensures consistent performance and uptime.

  4. Developer-Friendly Integration:

    • Easy Integration: Comprehensive APIs and documentation make it straightforward for developers to integrate Relay’s bridging capabilities into their games.

    • Customizable: Developers can tailor the bridging process to fit the specific needs and workflows of their games.

How to Get Started:

  1. Set Up Your Environment: Ensure your development environment is ready for integrating with Relay’s APIs. This includes setting up the necessary tools and libraries that support API interactions.

  2. Integrate Relay APIs: Use the provided API endpoints to enable cross-chain asset transfers in your game. Detailed documentation and examples are available to guide you through the process. Refer to the Relay Instant Bridging Documentation for specific API references and integration steps.

  3. Configure Bridging Parameters: Customize the bridging parameters to align with your game’s requirements. This includes setting up supported blockchains, transaction limits, and security protocols.

  4. Test Bridging Functionality: Conduct thorough testing in a staging environment to ensure the bridging functionality works seamlessly. Verify that assets are correctly transferred and that security measures are effective.

  5. Launch and Monitor: Once testing is complete, deploy the bridging solution to your live environment. Continuously monitor performance and user feedback to ensure the solution operates smoothly and to identify areas for improvement.


  • Developer Documentation: Relay Instant Bridging Documentation

  • API Reference: Relay API Documentation

  • Support: Access support through Reservoir’s documentation and community channels for assistance with integration and troubleshooting.

Last updated